Ihati Weight Management

It is correctly said that “You are what you eat.” Once perceived as a condition of wealthy or developed nations, obesity has spread its wings in poor population and underdeveloped nations and now we are confronting the issue of globesity.
At one of end of the spectrum, weight gain/obesity is associated with multiple co-morbidity like type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, various cancers and disabilities associated with these conditions. While on the other end, it is associated with various mental health issues such as eating disorders and body image issues as well as social stigma. The related health care costs are substantial.
Given that each individual is unique and their circumstances are unique, I differ to accept the “one size fits all” approach for weight management and health. It might help in short term with quick results, but it is fails to provide long-term results. I believe in holistic approach to weight management. Therefore, my weight management solutions move beyond the diet only paradigm.